Welcome to the Share a Scare Blog Hop 2015 – Sign-up Post
This hop is for bloggers, authors and artists who like a good spine tingling supernatural something and is in honour of all things Halloween. It is inspired by All Hallows Read, where the idea is to give away a scary book to encourage reading, and we thought after doing it for three years that we’d broaden the concept a bit this time around. Woohooooahhhhhhahhhh – yes, that was our impression of a ghost.
Everyone is welcome to join in.
Rules for participating
- Put one of the Blog Hop buttons (either the 150x150px or the 200x200px) somewhere on your blog – see below for the copy and paste code.
- Add your blog to the Share a Scare list at the bottom of this post.
- On the 31st October 2015 make a post with a free (slightly) scary, supernatural story/art of some kind in it.
- Bloggers, feel free to recommend/review a free supernatural story (example M.R.James has lots of free ghost stories on Amazon), or recount a real life ghost story, or an urban legend, or a local ghost story or something along scary lines.
- Authors, write a free supernatural flash fiction, or give away a book for free. Monsters, paranormal, ghosts, demons – your imagination is the limit, but we’d prefer if it was a little spookyish.
- Artists, give us the heebiejeebies with your art.
- In your post on the day make a link back to this post (https://www.wittegenpress.com/wp_main/share-a-scare-halloween-blog-hop-2015.html) or post the list of other participants using the code at the bottom of this entry.
- Tell ALL your friends … well okay, you don’t have to tell them all, but if you would pass the word around about the blog hop, now and on the day, that would be great.
Share a Scare Buttons and Code

This is the code for 150x150px:

This is the code for 200x200px:
Share a Scare participants:
If you would like to have the list on your page as well, please use this code:
And all you Authors out there, here is another wonderful blog hop you might be interested in:

Is there a trick to getting the Linked widget list to work? I’ve used these before but I can’t seem to get this particular code to work in my blog. Has anyone else used it successfully?
So sorry – there seems to be part of the code missing. I tested it out on my blog and then went back to the source again. Have corrected the issue. You should be able to copy and paste again now and it will work.
Still doesn’t appear to work. Maybe because I’m previewing the post before tomorrow?
I’ve found that the preview on Blogger style blogs does not show the list (probably something to do with how links aren’t active in preview either). However, I also noticed that one of my test posts managed to take out the type=”text/javascript” part of the code at one point. I’ve tested it on several test posts now and the code will work if it is intact, so 1) it might not work in preview, but 2) if it does not show up once the post is actually live I would suggest checking that the type=”text/javascript” has not been somehow removed from the script by the blogging software. Many apologies for the trouble.
Hi, Tasha! Unfortunately, I’m not going to be able to take part. I’ve totally dropped the ball with getting a post ready. But, I don’t know how to remove my name from the list. Could you do it for me somehow (or let me know how I can do it)? Thanks, and sorry!
No problem I can delete you from the backend. Sorry to lose you.
Thanks, Tasha, and yeah, I’m kind of bummed about it. But life’s gotten a little crazy lately. Hopefully next year!
I posted my article for the Share a Scare, my book release for free, a book about Vampires.