Privacy and Cookies

To comply with EU law here is a disclosure of the cookies used on this site.

Blog Subscriptionspersistent1 yearIf you check the "Notify me of follow-up comments by email." option when you comment on a post jetpack sets the cookie jetpack_comments_subscribe to remember your selection. If you check the "Notify me of new posts by email." option when you comment on a blog post jetpack sets cookie jetpack_blog_subscribe to remember you selection. Both these cookies are numbers.
Cookie Headerpersistent1 yearIn the header of each web page on this site you will see a message alerting you of our privacy and cookie policy. If you've seen this message once, you probably won't want to see it again. We use a cookie to remember this setting. User data is all anonymous. Name: viewed_cookie_policy
Facebook Cookiessession and persistentsession only up to 2 yearsIf you share a post to Facebook then Facebook will set the following cookies: act, c_user, csm, datr, fr, lu, p, presence, s, xs They are sets of numbers and letters with no personal information.
Google Plus Logged In Persistentpersistent9 years to 1 monthIf you are logged in and view a blog post, sets the following persistent cookies because of showing the author widget. APISID, HSID, NID, OGP, OGPC, OTZ, PREF, SAPISID, SID, SS, SSID All of these cookies are random sets of numbers and letters without personal information.
Google Plus Not Logged in Persistentpersistent9 years to 1 monthsWhen viewing a post and you are not logged in the author display writes the following persistent cookies: NID, OGP, OGPC, OTZ, PREF, SS All of these cookies are random sets of numbers and letters without personal information.
Google Session CookiessessionsessionWhen viewing a google object google will create a session cookie: S - this cookie is a random set of numbers and letters and symbols. When you are not logged in it will also create the cookie GMAIL_RTT - this cookie is a number.
Tweeting Cookiessession and persistentsession only up to 2 yearsIf you tweet about an entity on the site will set the following cookies: _utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmv, _utmz This are all set of numbers and letters without any personal information.
Twitter Widgetpersistent2 years and 6 monthsThe twitter widget sets two cookies when it is displayed: guest_id and pid
Wordpress Commentspersistent1 yearThese are so if you comment you do not have to reinsert you name, email and site URL over and over again. Names: comment_author, comment_author_email, comment_author_url These are text cookies and contain the information you entered when you used to comment form.
Youtube Cookiessession and persistentsession only up to 2 yearsWhen you view a video on the site youtube will set the following cookies: ACTIVITY, APISID, CLAD, GEUP, HSID, LOGIN_INFO, PREF, SID, VIS, TOR_INFO1_LIVE, YSC, _utma, _utmc, _utmz These are all strings of either numbers or numbers and letters with no personal information.
