
Goldilocks and the Three Zombears: A Fairy Tale Zombie Parody

Goldilocks and the Three Zombears: A Fairy Tale Zombie Parody

$0.99, £0.77, EUR0.89
Once upon a time there were three bears, but after the government failed to stop toxic dumping in their forest and Baby Bear come across a leaking metal drum, they became the three zombears. They do not need a visit from Goldilocks to complicate their lives further, but, alas, that is their fate.
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Lone Wolf: A Hunting Misunderstanding

Lone Wolf: A Hunting Misunderstanding

$0.99, £0.77, EUR0.89

Karl is a werewolf and lives quietly, mostly off the grid, and expects the world to leave him alone the way he does with it. Unfortunately, his peaceful existence had been interrupted by hunters, werewolf hunters. He is most put out that he has to deal with armed intruders in the middle of the night.

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Place of the Gods: Traps and Tricksters

Place of the Gods: Traps and Tricksters

$0.99, £0.77, EUR0.89

Joel knew he shouldn't have touched the exhibit, but his impulse control had always been crap. Now he's faced with actual gods and goddesses from all over history who are looking to him for help. He is in so much trouble, he can tell.

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Chip Off the Old Block? (Romantic Demon Humour)

Chip Off the Old Block? (Romantic Demon Humour)


The Anti-Christ is coming! His name is Owen. Well technically it's Beherit, but that's so last millennium.

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