A – Awesomest Anti-Hero – Literary Smackdown #AtoZChallenge 2016

AtoZChallenge 2016 AGreetings and welcome to the very first day of the AtoZChallenge. Every day this month (except Sundays) we will have a Literary duo for you to vote for your favourite.

Today we are starting with everyone’s favourite: the Awesomest Anti-Heroes. We have two very interesting gentlemen, one right out of classic literature, the other from modern comics  and we want you to tell us who should win this little contest.

Who will you vote for in Literary Smackdown

  • Heathcliff
    Often seen as a romantic hero from Emily Bronte‘s Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff ends up the bitter anti-hero. His love for Catherine Earnshaw starts off pure, but when he does not get what he wants his pride becomes malicious cruelty. From hero to villain, is he the Awesomest Anti-Hero?


  • Loki
    The trickster god of Norse legend, Loki is a popular figure from Marvel comics and in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The fallen prince, thrown into turmoil when he discovers he is Jotun not Aesir, sending him into a downward spiral. To begin with he desperately wants to prove himself, committing terrible acts to convince Odin he is still worthy. Then he sets his sights on being a true villain. Is Loki your Awesomest Anti_Hero?

Vote for the Awesomest Anti-Hero







We picked two of our favourite Anti-heroes to go head to head, but please tell us about your favourites in the comments as well.

Our Other Blogs

Sophie and Tasha are also sharing duties on one other blog for the AtoZ and they both have their own blogs as well. Visit them to see their exciting themes for this year.

Sophie’s Thoughts and Fumbles | Tasha’s Thinkings


Other People’s Blogs

Now check out all the other blogs by visiting the AtoZChallenge list (I recommend leaving it open in another tab :)).


What is the AtoZChallenge?

For those who don’t know, the AtoZChallenge is a giant blog hop with thousands of blogs taking part. Every day in April, apart from Sundays, these blogs will post using a letter of the alphabet at a prompt, e.g. A on 1st, B on 2nd etc.
It has been running since 2010 and was thought up by the lovely Arlee Bird who put out a challenge and it has grown and grown since. It is a superb way to meet other bloggers and to have a huge amount of fun.

By Tasha

Author, publisher and cover designer; co-owner of Wittegen Press.


  1. I visited all three of your blogs (I’m doing two and feel like I’m over my head…I’m impressed with you doing three) Love your graphics! Funny how much Marvel Comics has changed over the years.

    1. (Thank you so much, I hope you enjoyed all the blogs. I’m sharing duties on 2, so it kind of evens out :). I have to admit I’ve never been a comics person – it’s always been the cartoons and live action that have attracted me. Those have changed so much too … I shudder to remember the 80s Captain America ;)) I just realised you could have been talking to Soph – totally forgot this wasn’t my blog 🙂 Welcome, whatever 😀

    1. It so is – he’s up against Timothy Dalton, Laurence Olivier. Tom Hardy and Ralph Feinnes – it’s totally fair to use Tom’s piccie to counter that 😉

  2. I voted for Loki. Heathcliff seems creepy, whereas Loki is more mischievous and has more of a compelling reason for why he later turns to the dark side.

    1. I have never been a huge Wuthering Heights fan, but I had always found Heathcliff interesting, if not likeable. Yay for Loki 🙂

  3. I’m not big on Marvel films, but I’m giving my vote to Loki for the simple fact I took a Mythology class in High School and Norse was among the ones we studies. I always found the study of mythology fascinating.

    1. I agree, mythology is amazingly interesting. So much of it and so varied, but with repeating themes through different cultures.

  4. So fun! These are tough choices; I thinking Loki would beat out Heathcliff in the votes, but only because he is probably more well-known with today’s movie-goers, but my vote had to be for the brooding, dark, misunderstood Heathcliff! Nicely done! Gail at Making Life An Art

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