AtoZChallenge 2015: H is for Hop

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AtoZ Challenge 2015 Wittegen Press HAtoZChallenge 2015: H is for Hop

Welcome to day 8 of the AtoZChallenge 2015. Today Natasha Duncan-Drake is talking about hops – specifically blog hops.

My short story The Trade was originally written for The Vampire Bite Blog Hop back in 2013. I wanted to give my readers a story to download and read at their leisure and hence The Trade was born. It was available for a week during the blog hop and then I took it down, re-edited it, formatted it for online sale and uploaded it to the major book sites.Vampire Bite Blog Hop

Simply put The Trade is the story of a vampire meeting up with a sex demon to trade one need for another, set on a dystopian Earth where the gateways between reality and the demon realm have been opened. It is short and sweet and very much adult rated and designed for a quiet read over a coffee.

I believe blog hops are a fantastic adventure. You can probably tell or I wouldn’t have three blogs in this one. They are an amazing opportunity to meet new people, network with other bloggers, and simply have fun. When dealing with hops as big as the AtoZ shorter posts are better, but with smaller hops, sometimes we bloggers can be a bit more indulgent.

I like to add in things that last longer than just the day and visitors can take away with them when possible, hence free fiction. Scroll down for today’s FREE book code.

Do you like free fiction during blog hops? What keeps you coming back to a blog?

FREE Book Offer

The Trade by Tasha D-DrakeThe Trade by Natasha Duncan-Drake

Code for FREE download at Smashwords*:  CD34V 

Earth no longer belongs exclusively to humans. Ever since the hoard came demons roam the wreckage of old Earth just as humans do. Karon spans the divide, both human and demon, and, yet, neither at the same time. At the mercy of his vampire heritage he seeks a trade with a powerful demon prince and can only hope that his price will be accepted.

*Click Smashwords to go to the book on their site. Click the buy option. Put the code in the Coupon Code box, click ‘apply coupon’ and the book will be free. Coupon is only guaranteed to be valid for 9th April so please use immediately.

 Our other AtoZ blogs: Tasha’s Thinkings | Sophie’s Thoughts and Fumbles| FB3X (AC)

If you enjoy our daily free books you’ll really love our permanently free books, including the two FREE ebooks we’ll give you just for joining our mailing list.

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We will also give you 2 FREE ebooks just for signing up.
Curse of a Banshee
Sophie Duncan
Assassin's Blood
Natasha Duncan-Drake
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By Tasha

Author, publisher and cover designer; co-owner of Wittegen Press.


  1. I used to co host and visit lots of Bloghops. Not so much any more. I don;t see them nearly as often. Maybe they’ll make a comeback soon.

  2. Your books sounds intriguing–how generous of you to offer it for free. And how ambitious of you to have three blogs participating in the challenge. I can barely keep up with just the one!

    1. We’re hoping to tempt people in with the freebies – it’s all a plot to get them addicted 😉 It’s really only like having two blogs each because we’ve split this one and FB3X so we’re doing half each. Our only secret was preparing all the posts in advance ::g:: Thank you for stopping by, we hope you enjoy the books.

  3. Stopping by to visit during the #Challenge. Love visiting others with the designation of (WR) like mine. Appreciate the readability of your blog. Some are SO hard to get through the clutter etc. Know you have worked hard to participate this April. Thanking you for that and for your letter H. Isn’t it amazing how we interpret the letter so differently. I wrote about The Hassler Hotel in Rome. Wish we could have lunch, talk writing, and get to know one another. See you there in our imaginations.

    1. Always like to make things readable and easy to find 🙂 Thank you so much for stopping by. See you around the hope and in our imaginary cafe bar 😀

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