Stockings – Two Christmas Short Stories

Stockings – Two Christmas Short Stories
Amazon: $0.99 £0.89 EUR0.99, non-Amazon: FREE
Authors: Natasha Duncan-Drake, Sophie Duncan
Series: The Haward Mysteries, Book 0.2
Genres: Christmas, Contemporary Fantasy, Fantasy, Seasonal
Tags: No Explicit Content, Short Story (under 7.5K), Wittegen Press
Publisher: Wittegen Press
Publication Year: 2011
ASIN: B006ON36N0
ISBN: 9781908333155

In one story meet Remy and Theo as six year olds trying to meet Father Christmas and in the other see them come to terms with being the guardians of Blackwood during their first Christmas as such.

About the Book

Two companions short stories to the Haward Mysteries novels. Originally released in Dec 2011 as a FREE Christmas gift for fans of the series.

Close Encounters of the Sleigh Kind

Remy and Theo Haward are six year olds and they really, really want to meet Father Christmas.

A Time to Heal

Remy and Theo come to terms  with becoming Guardians of Blackwood as they spend their first Christmas there since it happened.

(~5k words)

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