AtoZChallenge 2015: Z is for Zachęcić (encourage)

AtoZChallenge 2015: Z is for Zachęcić (encourage) Yes, we completely cheated with this one.  Zachęcić is Polish for ‘encourage’ (at least Google tells us it is, we hope we haven’t made a huge faux pas) and today we’re talking about books we wrote for All Hallows Read. All Hallows Read is, as its name suggests, an… Continue reading AtoZChallenge 2015: Z is for Zachęcić (encourage)

AtoZChallenge 2015: Y is for Yuck

AtoZChallenge 2015: Y is for Yuck We are almost at the end, well done to everyone for nearly making it. Over here at Wittegen Press we are discussing the ‘why’ behind our books. Today, Natasha Duncan-Drake is going to talk about why ‘yuck’ means something to her. So I love horror, at least supernatural horror. My… Continue reading AtoZChallenge 2015: Y is for Yuck

AtoZChallenge 2015: W is for Welcome

AtoZChallenge 2015: W is for Welcome We’re galloping towards the end of the AtoZ Challenge now, and of our theme here at Wittegen Press, ‘why’, specifically, why have we, as authors, written the titles we have. And, each day, the book we’re talking about will be FREE. Being welcoming is something my family has always prided themselves on,… Continue reading AtoZChallenge 2015: W is for Welcome

AtoZChallenge 2015: V is for Vampires

AtoZChallenge 2015: V is for Vampires Welcome to Wittegen Press, this year our theme for the AtoZ is ‘Why’. Today Natasha Duncan-Drake will be talking about why she wrote her Soul Reader Series. There is a very simple answer to ‘why’ today and that is the title of the post: vampires. I love them. I… Continue reading AtoZChallenge 2015: V is for Vampires

AtoZChallenge 2015: U is for Unapologetic

AtoZChallenge 2015: U is for Unapologetic Our theme here at Wittegen Press this year is ‘why’, specifically, why have we, as authors, written the titles we have. And, each day, the book we’re talking about will be FREE. Today, I’m talking about my collection of Christmas Poems, which is an unapologetic dose of Christmas cheer :).… Continue reading AtoZChallenge 2015: U is for Unapologetic

AtoZChallenge 2015: T is for Tom Hiddleston

AtoZChallenge 2015: T is for Tom Hiddleston This year our theme at Wittegen Press is ‘Why’ and we are talking about the inspirations or reasons behind some of our books. Today Natasha Duncan-Drake is talking about the inspiration behind her book series Dark Reflections, the second of which, Dreams and Reality, came out at the end… Continue reading AtoZChallenge 2015: T is for Tom Hiddleston

AtoZChallenge 2015: S is for Samling

AtoZChallenge 2015: S is for Samling Wow, this month is going fast, already we’re on ‘S’ for our theme here at Wittegen Press this year, ‘why’, specifically, why have we, as authors, written the titles we have. And, each day, the book we’re talking about will be FREE. So, today I’m talking about a story I wrote… Continue reading AtoZChallenge 2015: S is for Samling

AtoZChallenge 2015: R is for Re-Imagining

AtoZChallenge 2015: R is for Re-Imagining Welcome to our AtoZ Challenge. Our theme here at Wittegen Press this year is ‘why’, specifically, why have we, as authors, written the titles we have. And, each day, the book we’re talking about will be FREE. Of all the titles I have released, Night Blood has been on the longest… Continue reading AtoZChallenge 2015: R is for Re-Imagining

AtoZChallenge 2015: Q is for Quickie

AtoZChallenge 2015: Q is for Quickie Our theme here at Wittegen Press for this year’s AtoZ is ‘why’, specifically, why have we, as authors, written the titles we have. And, each day, the book we’re talking about will be FREE. And today you have both of us talking about our Christmas short stories, Stockings. Okay,  so… Continue reading AtoZChallenge 2015: Q is for Quickie

AtoZChallenge 2015: P is for Philanthropy

AtoZChallenge 2015: P is for Philanthropy Good day to you all, we hope you are having fun on the AtoZChallenge. Today at Wittegen Press, Natasha Duncan-Drake will be talking about her book “Chip Off the Old Block?”. Side note: we have just enabled Jetpack comments to allow people to use their Facebook, G+ or Twitter accounts… Continue reading AtoZChallenge 2015: P is for Philanthropy